Monday, 7 July 2008

Emotional Clearinghouse- Everything Must Go!!

I need to make way for a new stock of emotions so I'm getting rid of some old ones. They are in pretty good condition and available at extremely reduced prices.

So come on down to the emotional bargain bin, but hurry before they are all gone.

Yeah, I'm feeling a bit dark. Had a a pretty good weekend until Sunday when I got ill. Then, I sunk into a depression and didn't leave my sofa. I'm feeling better now and am able to eat, but I'm still feeling dark and realised there are some things in my life I need to be rid of so I figured I'd have a sale.

And, it's never fun when you realise that the person you are seeing is not the person you want to be seeing. Not that you want to be seeing anyone else in particular, but just not this person. I have a difficult talk coming my way.

On the upside the weather held for the medieval party, and here are some pics from that day.

I decided the rat best lived at the Lamb so I gave it to Adam, but then Roland the Rat attacked him.


TD said...

Cute pics! But where's the vicious man-eating bunny rabbit?? :)

H~ said...

He was replaced by Roland the Rat at the very last minute. :)