Friday, 13 March 2009

A Holiday from Facebook

I've decided to remove myself from Facebook for a while. Last night J- posted a status asking if anyone was up for going to a club in London Friday. I imagine the original intent was to go with me (or I'd like to think so), but regardless I don't need to see him merrily coming down on a Friday eve when one of our issues was that he couldn't be bothered to come down on a Friday to see me in the past as it was just too much of a hassle. However, if there is clubbing involved...

To be fair, I don't think that J- is a complete jerk. He may have acted like one in the last few weeks, but as I mentioned we had a good long chat and ended amicably. He does really want us to remain friends and eventually I would like to do so as well. Thus, I don't want to delete him entirely. However for now, I need to not see his activities constantly updated through my newsfeed. Even with changing preferences to hear less about him, I still see them and there is still the masochistic temptation to take a peek at his profile, which unfortunately I have been doing quite a bit since Monday.

But the most important reason for my Facebook holiday is that I'm a bit of a (HUGE) Facebook addict. I find that Facebook sucks up a lot of my free time when I could be doing other more productive and creative things.

And so, it's time for me to get back on track and become balanced again. And perhaps I'll be writing a bit more about more entertaining topics without constantly checking to see if J- is on line.


KrisMrsBBradley said...

I just recently started on facebook. I wish I hadn't. Because my blog doesn't take up enough time, I needed something else to do. Plus, there are games! Stupid Mafia Wars....

H~ said...

Oh I know. It's horrible those games and the time they take.

I've already gone on automatic pilot and tried to check Facebook 3 times since I wrote this post.